Monday, June 23, 2008

What life?!?

Okay, I have a 15 year old daughter very active in church and church activities, music and Christian concerts, wants to be involve in 'drama' (like she already isn't!) and now has made the Bob Jones High School Color Guard. I didn't realize that there was soooo much involve. These kids have like 3 weeks of intensive drilling and practice in Alabama heat in JULY! You REALLY have to want to do this for that kind of torture!

2008 SCGC Scholastic B Bronze Medalists and Alabama State Champions!

Great job Winter Guard!

Just a touch of what we will see this year! Games fall on hubby's birthday and Laura's 16th birthday--hope we win!

And if you've got time--this is last years--the theme was the Pirates of the Carribean!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The truth hurts............

I've always been fearful of comparing myself to others. My dad said we should walk like Jesus, not like the neighbors. This guy tells it like it is!

Read the Bible. If you have the Holy Spirit......He will speak to you and you will feel it!

Terry's Rules also!!!

I got this off of Godtube! It is cool and absolutely Terry's rules!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A skit at church.......

The girl in the yellow played the part of a girl in awe of the love of the Lord. The girl in red played a girl questioning God and everything, and the girl in black (my daughter--Laura) played a girl in pain and broken! It was a great---moving skit and the girls did a great job.

Our church is awesome--an casual! A blue-jean type of church! We can always tell the visitors in suits and dresses!

You should come and visit us. You can check us out of The Brook Church. Our drama group is called 'the crackedpots'.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oh yeah, Christians can laugh too!


(If you can't read it--it says, "Moses, stop it!")

Well, I guess you do have to know the story of the Red Sea to get this....and loving to fish would probably help too!

But this is funny.

Do we speak 'in tongue', so to say, that non-Christians can't understand what we are talking about.

You know, Jesus spoke of this, when he spoke in parables and said believers would understand. Well, yes and no! We understand IF we have read the Bible (I like to refer to as the book of instructions!). But our minds cannot comprehend the awesomeness of God! We get glimpses (and that blows my mind!) but I can't conceive His power and COOLNESS!

Take the hummingbird. I love hummingbirds.

I can't imagine the fun God must have had making this amazing creature. It seems to hover effortlessly in mid-air!

And, if as some believe, man came from monkeys, where did hummingbirds come from? I can just see the first on in God's hand as He gently blows on it to get it to fly away! What a beautiful picture!

So what is my point? How do I tell you how awesome God is--not just was during creation, not just when Moses parted the Red Sea, but as He helped me put together a prayer for a dear friend last week and as He helped me put together a note to my pastor and as He helped me give my husband a special message, for no reason at all, except after 36 1/2 years, I still love him!

So next time you see the little hummingbird, or the great beautiful Eagle soaring, know God had His hand in that and He is as alive today as He was then and as He will be for all tomorrows! (If you don't believe me, read the back of the book--it's called Revelations!)


Friday, April 25, 2008

Terry, I love you sooooo much..............

Maybe this will say it better than I ever could..............

Always come home to me baby! Thirty six years and I love you more everyday!

Grow old(er) with me baby, the best is yet to come!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fill the tank.............

My first mentor of a pastor use to say that relationships are give and take. Think of it like a 'love bank'. If you keep giving, and nothing goes back in, soon or later (and in my case....sooner) you will have nothing to give. I think it is sometimes harder for men to give in a way that 'counts' towards filling the bank.

Well, as things would go, I had a very emotional day yesterday, and the tank was low...and there is nothing worse than an explosion.

But then my sweet dear husband surprized me by coming by this afternoon and bringing me sweet....he never (well, seldom) does that!

We've made it this far, I'm in for the long haul!

Thirty-six years down and fourteen years to go! See you at the finish line!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Squirrel or Tat?

Squirrel or cat

I lived on a farm in Kentucky from the time I was about 1 until I was 6. Even though that doesn’t seem like long, we also spent just about every weekend and holiday (except Christmas—Santa might have gotten confused!) at our relatives and our farm was sold to my mom’s older sister and another older sister live down the road.

This is Uncle Gus and Aunt Cora Mae--couple on left with their first son Joe. They are the ones that move onto our farm.

My mother’s father lived with us and died shortly after we moved to St. Louis—yeap, the big city! My other grandfather lived with one of his sons (who was mentally retarded) on his farm (about 7 miles from ours) and one of his daughters lived on the other side of the ‘truck-patch’. I’m not sure we ‘trucked’ any of ours; I think we did barter with neighbors for strawberries, watermelons and such.

Dad enjoyed hunting, never large animals (I think this was a carry-over syndrome from WWII) but rabbits and squirrels. It was not unusual for him to be up at 4 AM to go hunting and have the squirrel skinned and cut up when mom got up and cook a breakfast that had eggs, ham, gravy, (sometimes both red-eye and milk gravy) biscuits, sometimes fried potatoes, (usually homemade jam or jell and sometime applebutter) and fried squirrel and fresh milk from the milk-cow.

Not my picture, but very simular...but somehow ours seemed much bigger, but I was 'little'. We had lots of chickens.

We had a hen coop. We would trade eggs for coffee and sugar and flour at a small store only about 5 mile from the house. The closest big grocery store was in Paducah, and that was about a 50 mile round trip.

I was allowed to help gather eggs. I hated the ones with chicken ‘hocky’ on them. I had my own basket and had to be very careful not to drop any or break any. I remember that we had a collie (dad had to shoot it after if had fallen asleep behind the tractor and he accidentally ran over it—I think that was the first time I saw my dad cry!) I don’t think we had cats, but they would gather at the hen house and eat the eggs and sometimes scare the chicken into not laying eggs. Do you know what you call a chicken that doesn’t lay eggs? Sunday dinner! LOL! Well, I had heard a conversation about the cats and they had to go, which I figured, the big axe! One morning, as we sat around the kitchen table, eating our big breakfast, dad made the statement that we would not be having a problem with the cats anymore. As I chewed on a squirrel leg, I looked up at dad and asked, ‘is this tat?” (meaning cat).

(Fried Squirrel) A look of horror came over my moms face as she said, ‘absolutely not’ and then she rethought what I had just said, and looked at my dad and said, ‘it’s not, is it?’ I thought my grandpa (simply known as ‘pa’) was going to choke on his oatmeal. (Pa never, or seldom, had what we ate for breakfast, just oatmeal.)


Pa is the one to the left of the man in front with the cane. This picture was taken to the side of the church, Mount Moriah.

Things where hard, and being a little one, I had no idea. It was in the early to mid 1950’s and there was a terrible draught going on. That’s why we left. Daddy always said if he would have stayed one more year, he’d had enough beans (green beans) to feed all of St. Louis!! That’s a lot of beans.

We where called ‘dirt farmers’. I thought we were doing pretty good, ‘cause we had lots of dirt! I remember we had a big horseshoe like drive in the front of the house, and the dirt was so dry it felt like baby powder. One day after mom had just given me a bath (we basically all used the same water) I went outside and threw dirt into the air and got filthy! That’s the one time I remember mom really yelling at me. There were farmers having to truck water just to bathe and cook and survive. Our well never dried up, but I do remember dad being really worried about it and checking it often. There is nothing better than a cool drink of well water!

I really feel sorry for people that never had that experience. We were close. Mom cooked all our meals and we all ate together, except my older sister had started school, so she didn’t eat dinner (our lunch meal) with us. Supper was the evening meal, and we all ate together again. Mom must have felt like she was living her whole life in that kitchen! I know it was a hard life, but for a little kid, it was great fun.

Mom was the baby of eight kids, (one died at birth), and dad was the middle of nine boys (a total of 16 children—two didn’t make it to adult), so I had lots of cousins to play with at the weekend gatherings, and that was almost every weekend. Thank God those continued even after we moved to the big city.

Hubby is St. Louis born and bread, but about 10 ½ years ago we were transferred to Madison, AL. It was a small town, but has grown almost 3 times the size it was (10,000 to 30,000) in the 10 years we’ve been here. But it still is a ‘small-town’ feel. Everyone looks out for everyone elses kids. We have churches instead of bars and it’s a great family-feel environment. We live in a subdivision across from cotton fields, cattle and horsed. Almost the best of two worlds, and nobody looks at you like you’re nuts if you smile and wave to someone on the front porch, whether you know them or not!

We live on a dirt road in western Kentucky. I once asked my mom why we always said ‘western Kentucky’ and she said, ‘honey, we put our shoes on when we go someplace!’ LOL! My dad was from Possum Trott and mom was from Benton, home of Big Singing and Tator Day!

We raised pigs and grew green beans. We had chickens, and dad rented out our barns to tobacco farmers to dry their tobacco leaves.

I had an uncle who raised cattle, and we would trade pork for beef! It was a great life. I have great memories. Read one of them I posted!

That’s my story, and I’m stickn’ to it (that’s a little inside joke—my maiden name is Story!)

Hope I didn’t bore you all too much.

Thanks to to Duane & Eva for letting me use their pictures. I've never met them, but trust me, if they are from Kentucky, they are okay in my book! Go and vist their page--It's great!

I also 'borrowed' the pictures of the dead squirrels and the cooked squirrel, but forgot to mark who I got them from. If they look like yours, comment me and I'll give you credit for them!

Chicken coop picture is borrowed from Katherine Plumer on her website Random Rosecombs. Stop by and see her, it's cool!

I got the picture of the cow 'The Brown Cow' another neat site.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I was recently reminded of a story....

I recently saw a myspace blog and it included the fact that there was a lot of snow in the midwest last I enclosed this story in the returned comment:

As most of you that know us know, we always go to St. Louis for Christmas holidays, to be with family and friend, and about 4 years ago, we decided to go up Hwy 55 Missouri highway instead of Nashville way, because of bad (snowy) weather. We still hit bad weather, but at least the roads weren't hilly and they were straight (always thought it way stupid to go NORTH at Christmas when the weather here [in Alabama] was always so much warmer and nicer!--at least until I'd see a Florida license plate---and I'd figure THEY were stupider than me!) We got so tired that at 9:30 PM--after over 12 hours of what is normally a 7 hour trip--and still a good 120 miles from St. Louis--we chose to find a motel for the night. We had a new dog (new to us--but well trainer) [see picture above of Buttercup and Laura]and Laura had to take her 'outside' to go pottie in 16 degree weather and a good 6 to 8" of snow. Laura was about 10 or 11 then and had not been in much snow (we moved to Alabama when she was 4)and as far as I know, Buttercup had never seen snow before--so when Laura came running back to the room with the dog in her arms--saying there was something wrong with Buttercup--we where afaid Buttercup had gotten hit or something. I took the dog and asked 'what's wrong?' and she replied--with a serious concern 'her poops' smoking!' Thought I'd fall off the bed I was laughing so hard (now you know why she is so mal-adjusted--we laugh at her a lot)! It's still one of my favorite stories!

As I reread this story, I saw the side of me that just loves humor! My whole life is encased in humor! I was raised by a father that had a goal to leave a room with eveyone having a smile on their face! He did a great job! I remember him telling me that life was like a poker game. You had to play the cards you were dealt. But it was the attitude you left the game in that was important. You could accept it and be glad or hope to do better next time or you could make excuses and complain the rest of your life! I'm so glad I had a father that was an optimist! The glass was never half empty!

I listened to a ministers sermon yesterday, and it focused on the journey and he never would quit! I thought of me complaining about being tired of my stuggles and it dawned on me, even when things look the bleakest, I don't quit--and most of the time--don't complain. Look at the Superbowl game--look at the stuggle the Christians have overcome. Seems like some people grow great strength when they are told it is impossible, or they can't do something!

God doesn't want me to quit! Yes, He will give me rest and refresh me, but then I MUST push on!