I recently saw a myspace blog and it included the fact that there was a lot of snow in the midwest last weekend.....so I enclosed this story in the returned comment:
As most of you that know us know, we always go to St. Louis for Christmas holidays, to be with family and friend, and about 4 years ago, we decided to go up Hwy 55 Missouri highway instead of Nashville way, because of bad (snowy) weather. We still hit bad weather, but at least the roads weren't hilly and they were straight (always thought it way stupid to go NORTH at Christmas when the weather here [in Alabama] was always so much warmer and nicer!--at least until I'd see a Florida license plate---and I'd figure THEY were stupider than me!) We got so tired that at 9:30 PM--after over 12 hours of what is normally a 7 hour trip--and still a good 120 miles from St. Louis--we chose to find a motel for the night. We had a new dog (new to us--but well trainer) [see picture above of Buttercup and Laura]and Laura had to take her 'outside' to go pottie in 16 degree weather and a good 6 to 8" of snow. Laura was about 10 or 11 then and had not been in much snow (we moved to Alabama when she was 4)and as far as I know, Buttercup had never seen snow before--so when Laura came running back to the room with the dog in her arms--saying there was something wrong with Buttercup--we where afaid Buttercup had gotten hit or something. I took the dog and asked 'what's wrong?' and she replied--with a serious concern 'her poops' smoking!' Thought I'd fall off the bed I was laughing so hard (now you know why she is so mal-adjusted--we laugh at her a lot)! It's still one of my favorite stories!
As I reread this story, I saw the side of me that just loves humor! My whole life is encased in humor! I was raised by a father that had a goal to leave a room with eveyone having a smile on their face! He did a great job! I remember him telling me that life was like a poker game. You had to play the cards you were dealt. But it was the attitude you left the game in that was important. You could accept it and be glad or hope to do better next time or you could make excuses and complain the rest of your life! I'm so glad I had a father that was an optimist! The glass was never half empty!
I listened to a ministers sermon yesterday, and it focused on the journey and he never would quit! I thought of me complaining about being tired of my stuggles and it dawned on me, even when things look the bleakest, I don't quit--and most of the time--don't complain. Look at the Superbowl game--look at the stuggle the Christians have overcome. Seems like some people grow great strength when they are told it is impossible, or they can't do something!
God doesn't want me to quit! Yes, He will give me rest and refresh me, but then I MUST push on!
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