(If you can't read it--it says, "Moses, stop it!")
Well, I guess you do have to know the story of the Red Sea to get this....and loving to fish would probably help too!
But this is funny.
Do we speak 'in tongue', so to say, that non-Christians can't understand what we are talking about.
You know, Jesus spoke of this, when he spoke in parables and said believers would understand. Well, yes and no! We understand IF we have read the Bible (I like to refer to as the book of instructions!). But our minds cannot comprehend the awesomeness of God! We get glimpses (and that blows my mind!) but I can't conceive His power and COOLNESS!
Take the hummingbird. I love hummingbirds.
I can't imagine the fun God must have had making this amazing creature. It seems to hover effortlessly in mid-air!
And, if as some believe, man came from monkeys, where did hummingbirds come from? I can just see the first on in God's hand as He gently blows on it to get it to fly away! What a beautiful picture!
So what is my point? How do I tell you how awesome God is--not just was during creation, not just when Moses parted the Red Sea, but as He helped me put together a prayer for a dear friend last week and as He helped me put together a note to my pastor and as He helped me give my husband a special message, for no reason at all, except after 36 1/2 years, I still love him!
So next time you see the little hummingbird, or the great beautiful Eagle soaring, know God had His hand in that and He is as alive today as He was then and as He will be for all tomorrows! (If you don't believe me, read the back of the book--it's called Revelations!)
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